Chants from Mahanarayana Upanishad महानारायण उपनिषद
The Mahanarayana Upanishad is an ancient Sanskrit text embedded within the Krishna Yajurveda. The Upanishad explores themes of metaphysics, ethics, an...
Monday, October 7, 201919: Navratri Special- Day 8: Maha Gauri
Maha Gauri is the symbol of purity and serenity. She has three eyes, four arms, and rides a bull. She is the ruler of Planet Rahu- who governs all des...
Monday, October 7, 201918: Chants of India- देवी माहात्म्य या दुर्गा शप्तशती श्लोक
नवरात्रि के इस पर्व के लिए हिंदी सम्वादो के साथ देवी के स्तोत्रों को प्रस्तुत किया हैचैंट्स ऑफ़ इंडिया बाय श्रीराम पॉडकास्ट द्वारा। ये श्लोक देवी माहा...
Monday, October 7, 201917: Navaratri Special - Day 7- Kaalaratri Devi
Kaalaratri Devi is the destroyer of darkness within. She is an incarnation of Goddess Parvati and is said to have destroyed the demons Shumbha, Nishum...
Friday, October 4, 201916: Navaratri Special- Day 6- Katyayini Devi
Katyayini Devi is the sixth form of Devi or Goddess. She is a warrior goddess, and is known to protect the principles of Dharma and Satya. She rides a...
Thursday, October 3, 201915: Navaratri Special Day 5: Skandamata Devi (Parvati)
On the fifth day of Navaratri Festival, we worship Devi Skandamata. She is the Goddess responsible for action and activity. The represents icchaskakti...
Wednesday, October 2, 201914: Navaratri Special Day 4: Kushmanda Devi Stotra
On Fourth Day of Navaratri Festival, we worship the Devi in the form of Maa Kushmanda Devi. The word Ku means a little, Ushma means warmth or energy\'...
Tuesday, October 1, 201913: Navaratri Special - Devi Aragala Stortam (Chants of Devi)
This is the chanting of Devis - composed by Sage Markandeya. This is in praise of Devi and invokes her various forms - the slayer of the demons Mahish...
Tuesday, October 1, 201912: Navratri Special Day 3 - Chandraghanta Devi
Chandraghanta Devi represents supreme bliss and showers peace and prosperity. This episode was produced by gaatha story and Narrated by Sriram for Cha...
Monday, September 30, 201911: Navaratri Special Day 2: Devi Brahmacharini
On occasion of second day of Navaratri Festival, we pray to Devi (Goddess) Brahmacharini. This episode was published during Navaratri by Chants of In...
Monday, September 30, 201910: Navaratri Special - Day 1 Chants of Devi Shailaputri
On occasion of Navaratri, listen to the chanting of Goddess Durga in all of her 9 forms. These verses were composed by Markandeya Rishi. In this singl...
Tuesday, September 3, 20198: Durga and Devi Suktam: 8th Day (Ashtami)
You can listen to a related episode, which is the chanting of Durga Ashtami Stotra, in Season I, episode 6 of the chants of India Podcast.
Tuesday, September 3, 20199: 108 Names of Lord Ganesh
Listen to chanting of 108 names of Shri Vighneshwara or Lord Ganapati.